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Emily Arlidge

Emily Arlidge

Stress counsellor helping you de-stress and take back control

Are you just go, go, go? Feeling like it's non-stop? Doing everything for everyone? Perhaps you're struggling to think or focus, almost as if there's something wrong with your brain? Find you have new aches and pains or tension in your body that don't make any sense to you? I am a stress counsellor and I can help. How would it feel to take some time out for you? Even if it were just an hour once a fortnight. A time to let off steam and reconnect with who you the real you is.

Availability confirmed 3 days ago

#Stress #StressManagement #Overthinking #ChronicPain #Pain #MindAndBody #Worry #Stuck #TooBusy #RacingMind #Overwhelmed #Busy #Rushing

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